How long will it take to get organized?

Probably less time than you think! Each project is different, and the pace of the work often depends on how quickly a person can make decisions. We have lots of tips and tricks to be sure your session is productive. We keep our clients on task, but will never rush a person or pressure them to make a decision or pressure them into getting rid of anything. If you need a break, Just ask and we will work on other tasks to keep the project moving.

Should I clean up before you come?

Please don’t! There is no need to clean up before a consultation or organizing session. We want to see how your space normally looks and functions so that we can create the best solutions for you. We promise to give you a 100% judgment free experience so please don’t be embarrassed. When we enter a room, we see past the stuff so we can see the solutions.

Why would I need more than one organizer?

Many times our clients prefer to work one-on-one with their organizer, however, if you have a tight deadline, or you want to accomplish the same goals in half the time, then you will want to utilize our team of organizers. We may suggest a team approach for certain projects but it is up to you if you choose to utilize it.

Do the packages include the cost of organizing products?

No. The cost of organizational tools (beyond your custom labels included in our packages) is a separate fee. We will determine a budget for your supplies after the consultation and will design your organizational solutions to fit that budget.

Do I have to throw my things away?

The decision is completely up to you. If clutter is interrupting your daily life and keeping you from living the peaceful life you desire, then there will items that need to find a new home. You will get to decide whether to donate, discard or recycle these items. We understand that it may be challenging for you to let go of items, however we promise you that we will be there every step of the way to support you and remind you what you will gain when you choose to lose the clutter.

Will you help me donate and discard the things I choose to part with?

You bet! We will remove any discarded items from your home upon completion of the project. We value the idea that you can bless others with your abundance, so we will happily transport your donated items to a local charity of your choice. We will provide you a tax receipt for these donations.

Do I need to be present during the sessions?

We will need your input in the beginning so that your finished space will function to meet your specific needs. After that, we will continue the process based off your direction. If you prefer to work alongside us, the process may go faster and you may learn some tricks of the trade. No job is complete without helping you implement a plan to keep your newly organized space in ship shape!

Are you insured?

Yes. We maintain a general liability policy.

Is there a travel fee?

Travel is included at no cost inside a 60 minute trip from our home office in Tyler, Texas. Additional travel time outside this radius is $30 per travel hour.

Is our work together confidential?

Absolutely! We adhere to the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO). Everything discussed during our sessions will be held in the strictest of confidence. We do love to share the successes of our clients, so if you feel inclined to write a testimonial, it is always appreciated. We will only share the information that you choose.